Monday, June 15, 2009

Making cookies & living life as one!

He's making cookies cuz his gal won't. (haha!)

(I love that smile!)

Meet Clarence our newest critter friend.
This is a common pose for him -- he's my upside down kitty.

Both boys are smitten with the kitten.

And thankfully the older boys don't seem to mind him either. Phew!

Outside water fun!

Dancing through the sprinklers

Mike mowing our one good grassy patch.
Go Mike GO!

Liam's graduation from Pre-School.

So proud!

New house

Our new home.
3 bedrooms, 2 (full) baths
on a dead end dirt road...

Good things come in small packages.

Our pea-stone walkway edged with part of Mike's rock collection.

Side yard

Same side yard with newly added fire pit.

Jenn's stylish chairs. Mike's rocks.

Flowering Tee-Pee.

We have planted morning glories & squash in the outter ring and will train them to climb the twine & posts.

Living room

View from front door. The living room, Dinning room and Kitchen are basically one large room.

(Mike doing dishes)
